Quiz: Harry Potter

1-What is the order of the Harry Potter books?

a) Sorcers Stone;Chamber of Secrets;Goblet of Fire;Prisoner of Azkaban;Order of the Pheonix;Deathly Hallows;Half Blood Prince

b) Sorcers Stone: Chamber of Secrets; Prisoner of Azkaban; Goblet of Fire; Order of the Pheonix;Half Blood Prince;Deathly Hallows

2-What is the name of the evil wizard?

a) Dr.Voldy

b) Lord Volvo

c) Lord Voldemort

3- Who are Harry's best friends

a) Draco Malfoy and Ron Weasley

b)Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley

c) Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley

4-What is Harry's middle name


b) Sirius

c)He has no middle name

5-Who is Harry's arch enemy @ school?

a) Seamus Finnigan

b) Dean Thomas

c)Draco Malfoy